General terms and conditions of sale and privacy policy information

These general terms and conditions of sale govern the online purchasing of Gida Profumi S.r.l. products made on the website


1. General Terms and Conditions of Sale Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Registering on the site
4. Conclusion of a sales contract
5. Product availability
6. Shipping price and costs. Taxes and duties
7. Order submitting methods
8. Payment methods
9. Product shipping and delivery
10. Withdrawal right
11. Product faults/differences
12. Errors and/or inaccuracies in the online store
13. Intellectual property
14. Applicable law and jurisdiction
15. Contacts
16. General conditions of use
17. How to make purchases
18. Payments
19. Shipping and delivery
20. Return policy
21. Customer service
22. Copyright and trademarks
23. Privacy policy information
24. Cookie policy

1. General Terms and Conditions of Sale Definitions

The general terms and conditions of sale are the set of rules that will be applied to the purchasing of products of Gida Profumi Srl through the Website. The general terms and conditions of sale are formulated in compliance with rules on contracts concluded outside business premises and, specifically, in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree of 9 April 2003 n. 70 (implementation of Directive 2000/31/EC concerning certain legal aspects of company services of the information in the internal market, with particular reference to e-commerce) and of Decree of 6 September 2005, n. 206 (Consumer code) and subsequent modifications and additions. The parties of the contract are the following: – Gida Profumi S.r.l, based in Via Saffi, 9, 47923 Rimini, Tax/VAT code IT03305530408, Economic Administrative Index 286947 – customer. For the purposes of these general terms and conditions of sale, a customer is a natural person or other who is entitled to purchase products through the website.

2. Purpose

2.1 The general conditions govern relations between the customer and Gida Profumi S.r.l. for the time to time purchasing of products made available on for such purpose 2.2 Gida Profumi S.r.l reserves the right to change the general terms and conditions of sale at any time, provided the sales contracts concluded between the customer and Gida Profumi S.r.l (the “sale contracts”) are applicable to those published on (the “online store”) at the time of submitting product purchasing proposals (the “orders”) by the customer. 2.3 In the event of contrast between the general terms and conditions of sale and any other terms and conditions regarding sale contracts published on the online store, the more favourable terms and conditions for the customer will be applied. 2.4 The concluded sales contracts accessing are governed by Italian law and specifically by Legislative Decree of 9 April 2003 n. 70 (implementation of Directive 2000/31/EC concerning certain legal aspects of company services of the information in the internal market, with particular reference to e-commerce) and of Decree of 6 September 2005, n. 206 (Consumer code) and subsequent modifications and additions.

3. Registering on the site

Registration with a “username” and “password” is optional but by doing so, your orders can be stored and tracked. However, if the customer does not wish to register, he/she can conclude the purchase through the quick checkout procedure: in this case, only data needed for shipping, delivery and order payment will be needed.

4. Conclusion of a sales contract

4.1 Gida Profumi S.r.l will send customers the shipping confirmation (the “confirmation”) of the order within 3 working days from receipt of the orders from the customers. 4.2 Sales contracts are considered concluded between the parties in the moment in which the customers receive the order confirmation. If the customers do not receive the order confirmation within the term indicated in Art. 4.1, the relative order is considered refused by Gida Profumi S.r.l and, therefore, ineffective. Gida Profumi S.r.l is not liable for any malfunctions dependent on the data transmission network operator. 4.3 By submitting orders the customers acknowledge and declare that they have viewed all the information provided to them during the purchasing procedure and fully accept the general terms and conditions of sale as well as having read the additional information in the online store. 4.4 orders will be stored in the database of the online store, according to the methods and in compliance with the provisions referred to in Legislative Decree of 30 June 2003 n. 196 (“Privacy”) and will be accessible by contacting Gida Profumi S.r.l at the references referred to in Art. 1 or by accessing the folder relative to your profile containing personal information (the “Profile”).

5. Product availability

5.1 With exception to what is provided for in Art. 5.2, for each Product published in the online store, Gida Profumi S.r.l indicates if it: (i) is available at its warehouses; (ii) unavailable at its warehouses. 5.2 All Products are subject to availability, Gida Profumi S.r.l reserves the right to vary the type of product availability published in the online store without any liability whatsoever arising for Gida Profumi S.r.l toward its customers. 5.3 The indication of product availability is not binding, providing that the Products indicated as “unavailable” pursuant to Art 5.1 (ii) cannot be ordered by customers. In the event of the unavailability of one or more Products indicated as available at the time the customer has submitted the order, Gida Profumi S.r.l, without prejudice to what is provided for in Art. 5.2, will provide timely notification by e-mail to the customer, proposing an alternative if possible and freezing the payment by credit card or PayPal. In that case, without prejudice to the withdrawal right referred to in the following Art. 10, the customer may either add to or confirm the order within 48 hours after receiving the e-mail, replying to it. If there should not be a reply from the customer after 48 hours, Gida Profumi S.r.l will proceed with completing the sending of available Products. In the event of payment by credit card, Gida Profumi S.r.l will process the payment at the time of ordering and the unavailable Products will be refunded immediately to the customer.

6. Shipping price and costs. Taxes and duties

6.1 Product prices are expressed in € (Euros). The applicable price is the one published in the online store at the time of submitting the orders by the customers. Gida Profumi S.r.l constantly checks that all prices indicated in the online store are correct, which cannot guarantee the absence of errors. Should a price error be found, Gida Profumi S.r.l will give the customer the possibility to reconfirm the order according to the methods referred to earlier in Art. 5.3. 6.2 The price includes VAT if the Products are delivered within the European Union. 6.3 The shipping cost is 12.00 Euros for the shipping in Italy of orders lower than 40.00 Euros and based on Bartolini/UPS/Fedex fees for European and extra-European countries. In Italy, shipping is free of charge for orders over 40.00 Euros. 6.4 Any payment requested by Gida Profumi S.r.l for shipping costs is indicated separately to the price, before the order is submitted by the customers, and will be paid by the customers together and at the same time as the payment of the price in accordance with the methods of the following Art. 7. 6.5 Any fees, taxes, duties and other charges provided for by laws of the State where Products are shipped and delivered, will be fully charged to the customers and paid by them at the time of Product delivery, directly to the relevant tax or customs authorities or to the courier assigned with the delivery.

7. Order submitting methods

7.1 To submit orders, customers are requested to register on the online store entering all the “compulsory” data and choosing a password to submit orders and to access, also at a later moment, their Profile. The customer has the possibility to proceed rapidly to submitting their order through the quick Checkout procedure, which allows them to complete the purchase as a site guest. To carry out this procedure, they just have to enter their name and surname, an e-mail address, a delivery address for the Products, a telephone number and the information needed for payment. 7.2 Customers can purchase Products by selecting them in the section of the online store dedicated to the type of Product needed and then putting them in the “cart”. If the customer intends to purchase more than one Product, the same procedure outlined above must be repeated by clicking on “add other products”. Once the Products have been selected, the customers must, if they have not previously done it, proceed with registering as referred to in Art. 3 or, if they have already registered then they must authenticate themselves by entering an e-mail and password in the spaces provided and click on the appropriate button. Alternatively, customers who do not want to register on the site can select the quick Checkout option where they just have to enter their name and surname, an e-mail address, a delivery address for the Products, a telephone number and the information needed for payment. Once they have checked they have entered the correct data regarding the Product/s selected and the “submitting information”, the customers must select the payment method at the following Art. 8. When the payment method has been selected, the customers can proceed to submitting the orders.

8. Payment methods

8.1 Customers may make the payment of the Products selected and the fee for shipping referred to in the previous Art. 6 through bank transfer, credit card or PayPal. Gida Profumi S.r.l has the option to change payment means used by customers at any time, as long as the ones published on the online store at the time customers submit their orders can be used. 8.2 In the event of a credit card payment, the charge to customers of the Price for the Products selected and the fee for shipping costs referred to in previous Art. 6 will be made by verifying the credit card details and the bank’s debit authorisation at the same time Gida Profumi S.r.l. submits the order confirmation. The credit card details submitted at the time of ordering are protected. Payment is made directly on a secure server, with SSL encryption key, to guarantee full transaction security. Credit card details are not accessible to Gida Profumi S.r.l or to third parties either at the time of submitting or subsequently. 8.3 In the event of payment by PayPal, when customers submit orders, the web session will be transferred to the PayPal secure website. On this website, customers can complete payment of the fee for shipping costs as referred to in previous Art. 6 by using their PayPal account and according to the conditions of use of the PayPal service subscribed to by customers in that moment or previously. The charge of the price for shipping costs to the PayPal account of customers takes place at the same time Gida Profumi S.r.l submits the order confirmation. 8.4 At the same time the orders are dispatched, Gida Profumi S.r.l will send customers an order confirmation document, pre-sent by via e-mail to the address entered by the customer at the time of ordering. If the customer needs an invoice, he/she must enter his/her tax code at the time of purchasing, if they are a private customer or a VAT number if they are a company. The information provided by the customers will be used to issue the invoice. No change can be made to the invoice after it has been issued by Gida Profumi S.r.l 8.5 The information received by Gida Profumi S.r.l will be used only to complete the purchasing procedures of Products and for refund procedures in the case of exercising the withdrawal right referred to in Art. 10 by customers.

9. Product shipping and delivery

9.1 Granted that “shipping” of Products by Gida Profumi S.r.l is intended as the delivery of them to couriers selected each time, Gida Profumi S.r.l is not required to dispatch the Products until it has received the payment of the price; once the payment has been received, Gida Profumi S.r.l will dispatch the Products: (i) in the case of available Products (as defined in Ar.t 5): – within 3 working days from receipt of the debit authorisation notification as referred to in Art. 8.2. in the case of payment by credit card; – within 3 working days from the time the information of the payment is made available to Gida Profumi S.r.l in the case of payment by means other than a credit card. (ii) in the case of the unavailability of a Product that was indicated as available at the time the customer submitted the order, Gida Profumi S.r.l will notify the customer by e-mail, proposing a possible alternative, freezing the payment if made by credit card. In this case, Gida Profumi S.r.l will give the customer the possibility to confirm or add to the order according to the methods referred to in previous Art. 5.3. 9.2 Gida Profumi S.r.l guarantees the shipping of Products in the countries indicated on the online store, by express couriers selected each time, depending on the Product’s purpose, the order and the place of destination. The Products are dispatched by Gida Profumi S.r.l and delivered by the courier selected by Gida Profumi S.r.l to the address indicate by the customers at the time of registering as referred to in Art. 3, or to another address indicated at the time of submitting the order according to the methods referred to in previous Art. 7. 9.3 Gida Profumi S.r.l undertakes to doing everything in its power to ensure the Products shipped pursuant to Articles 9.1 and 9.2 are delivered by selected couriers: – in Italy within 72 hours from the dispatch date. 9.4 The terms of delivery referred to in Art. 9.3 cannot, in any case, be deemed binding and as Gida Profumi S.r.l cannot directly control the delivery of the Products after their dispatch, it cannot be held liable in any way for its failure to comply. 9.5 To allow customers to follow their orders, Gida Profumi S.r.l produces an order number, which, when entered in the “My orders” section that is accessible from all the pages of the online store, allows you to check all the information regarding orders. 9.6 customers can always check the status of their orders because of the online function of Gida Profumi S.r.l. This check can be made by customers only after Products have been shipped and using the tracking data notified by Gida Profumi S.r.l by e-mail or by accessing their Profile. 9.7 customers, or other people assigned by them, who are at the address indicated for the delivery of Products in the order confirmation, are required to verify at the time of delivery that: (i) the Products correspond to what is stated in the delivery note of the courier (DDT) by number and type; (ii) the packaging/pack of the Products is intact, undamaged, dry and unaltered, including the materials used to seal it. 9.8 Any damage to the packaging/pack of the Products must be immediately questioned by the customer by affixing a written subject to control on the delivery note of the courier. It is understood that once the document of the courier has been signed without any questioning, customers can no longer make any objection to Gida Profumi S.r.l with reference to the external characteristics of what was delivered. 9.9 The Products may be delivered by couriers only to customers or people assigned by them; the person to whom the Products are delivered must sign to certify their delivery. Couriers do not make deliveries to postal boxes or by inserting the Products in letter boxes or other similar places.

10. Withdrawal right

10.1 If customers are “consumers” (that is a natural person acting for purposes other than business, trade, artisan or professional activities), customers have the right, pursuant to and in accordance with Article 64 of Legislative Decree. n. 206/2005 (Consumer code), to withdraw from the sales contracts within 10 days from the date of receipt of the Products subject to the sales contracts (the “Withdrawal right”). The Withdrawal right must be exercised by customers by sending written notification to Gida Profumi S.r.l by e-mail, to the address stated in the following Art. 16., containing: (i) indication of the wish to use the withdrawal right; (ii) indication of the order that gave rise to the sales contract from which they intend to withdraw. 10.2 In the case customers exercise the Withdrawal right, the customers undertake to returning the Products within 10 working days from the date of receiving the goods. All cost connected to returning the Products are entirely charged to the customers. Gida Profumi S.r.l undertakes to refunding the price of the Products in as little time as possible, and however, within 30 days from the date of receiving the withdrawal notification as referred to in Art. 10.1, provided that: – the Products have been returned and are intact; – the original packaging/pack of the Products has also been returned and is intact; – any accessories have been returned and are intact; – the Products have not been used. Gida Profumi S.r.l will notify customers the refund methods of the price and for that purpose, may request the customers’ banking details (IBAN and current account holder). 10.3 If customers exercise the Withdrawal right in a manner that does not comply with the methods and terms of this Art. 10, they have no right to the refund of the price.

11. Product faults/differences

11.1 If the Products have any faults/differences, they must be reported by the customers directly to Gida Profumi S.r.l 11.2 customers are entitled to consumer rights referred to in Article 130 of Legislative Decree 206/05 (Consumer code); these rights must be exercised within the terms of Article 132 of the same Legislative Decree 206/05.

12. Errors and/or inaccuracies in the online store

Gida Profumi S.r.l is committed to constantly checking the website to avoid errors or inaccuracies. However, it is possible that may contain errors, inaccuracies or omissions over time, some of which may refer to the price and availability of the Product and to the Product information sheet. Gida Profumi Srl reserves the right, therefore, to correct the errors, inaccuracies or omissions within the website even after an order has been submitted and reserves the right to change or update the information at any time without prior notice to customers.

13. Intellectual property

All intellectual property rights, such as trademarks and copyrights, connected to the online store (including content) are the sole property of Gida Profumi S.r.l. The website and its contents may not be reproduced either in whole or in part, transferred by electronic or conventional means, modified, linked and used for any purpose without the prior written consent of Gida Profumi S.r.l.

14. Applicable law and jurisdiction

14.1 The terms of access to the website are governed by Italian law and must be interpreted in compliance with Italian law. 14.2 The customer accepts the exclusive jurisdiction of the Italian courts. Any action arising from or related to the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, browsing and use of the site shall be solely the responsibility of the court of Turin

15. Contacts

For further information and assistance on the website on how to purchase online, customers may directly contact Gida Profumi S.r.l through the customer service by writing to the e-mail or by calling +390113113028 from 9 am to 1 pm and from 2 to 6 pm.

16. General conditions of use

Terms and conditions These general terms and conditions of sale have the purpose of purchasing products from a distance through the website, belonging to Gida Profumi S.r.l, based in Via Saffi, 9, 47923 Rimini, Tax/VAT code IT03305530408, Economic Administrative Index 286947, hereinafter referred to as “seller”. If you have any queries, you can contact us at the following number/e-mail address: Confezioni Gida Profumi S.r.l, con in Via Saffi, 9, 47923 Rimini, Tax/VAT code IT03305530408, Economic Administrative Index 286947 Each purchase transaction will be governed by the provisions of Legislative Decree n. 6 of 6 September 2005, and, regarding protecting confidentiality, will be subject to the regulation of Legislative Decree n. 196 and subsequent amendments. The seller may make modifications or amendments to these General Terms at any time. Therefore, the customer will only be required to accept the General Terms and Conditions in force at the time of purchase.

17. How to make purchases

17.1 Acceptance of the general terms and conditions of sale With the electronic submission of the confirmation of their purchase order, the customer accepts unconditionally and undertakes to observe in his relations with the seller the general terms and conditions of payment, including the privacy policy hereafter transcribed, stating they have viewed and accepted all indications provided to the customer pursuant to the aforementioned regulations, also acknowledging that the seller is not deemed bound by any other conditions unless previously agreed in writing.

17.2. How to purchase To complete the purchasing agreement of one or more products on , you must fill in the order form in an electronic format and send it to the seller electronically, following the relative instructions about the products. All orders submitted by the customer are subject to acceptance by the seller. The seller may decide not to accept the customer’s orders for any reason, without any obligation. Product purchases, available as illustrated and described online in the descriptions, are made by the customer at the price indicated therein, in addition to the shipping costs displayed when purchasing. The customer’s order form is an offer to purchase the products. The Gida Profumi Srl online store cannot process any order for customers who do not accept the processing of personal data. No credit card details will be acquired or registered by Gida Profumi S.r.l.

17.3. Confirmation of receipt of the order and its acceptance On receiving an order, Gida Profumi S.r.l. will automatically send a receipt confirmation by e-mail, which will summarise all the details of the order itself, the description of the product and the price (inclusive of all fees and applicable taxes). Following receipt of an order, Gida Profumi S.r.l. will check the actual availability of the ordered product and only after such verification will it communicate its acceptance. At the same time as the acceptance, Gida Profumi S.r.l. will process the payment. A confirmation e-mail will be sent at the time the goods are dispatched; a code will be attached to the e-mail, which is needed to track the shipment. In the event that Gida Profumi S.r.l., for any reason, is unable to even partially process a received order, it will notify the customer promptly, proposing an alternative if possible. Any customer’s right to damages or compensation, as well as any contractual or non-contractual liability for any direct or indirect damages to persons and/or property caused by non-acceptance of an order is excluded. The seller does not ensure that the colours of the products displayed on the online store are reproduced in exactly the same way. Some variations are possible due to the technical characteristics and colour resolution features provided by the computer used by the customer and/or the browser. As a result, the seller will not be liable for any inadequacy of the graphic representations of products displayed on the site, if due to the above mentioned technical reasons. If you have made a purchase on, you can check all your order information following the “My orders” link after having been authenticated with your email and password you chose at the time of your registration. You will be reminded of the order date, the ordered products, the total amount, the address you requested the shipping and status of the order process. Instead, you can check the content of the order you are making by following the “shopping cart” link. You can communicate with our customer service at any time to resolve any doubts or request additional information.

18. Payments

The online store accepts payments by PayPal and credit card. You can choose between these payment methods at the end of the order process. Under no circumstances can Gida Profumi S.r.l. accept cash payments, either directly or through postal delivery. Note: This online store operates from the European Union and all transactions are made in Euros (unless otherwise specified). PayPal allows any business or consumer with an e-mail address to send and receive payments safely. By selecting the PayPal payment system, you will access PayPal’s secure site. Here, if you already have a PayPal account, you will only need to authorise payment. If you do not have a PayPal account yet, you will be able to make payments to Gida Profumi S.r.l. after free registration and by entering your credit card details (also prepaid, as Postepay). You will also be able to use your bank account to feed the PayPal account from which you will subsequently make payments. The use of PayPal as an online payment tool is free of charge.

19. Shipping and delivery

The shipping cost is 12.00 Euros for the shipping in Italy of orders lower than 40.00 Euros and based on Bartolini/UPS/Fedex fees for European and extra-European countries. In Italy, shipping is free of charge for orders over 40.00 Euros. To ensure quick delivery, relies on the best express couriers selected according to the destination. The shipping cost is in your shopping cart and will be added to the order amount during the purchasing process and will be charged to you upon payment. Nothing will therefore be due to the courier at the time of delivery. Order processing Orders are processed from 9 am to 5 pm from Monday to Friday. Orders made aft 4 pm on Friday will be processed the following Monday. Orders regarding available products will be fulfilled within 3 working days from receipt of payment. All the processing stages and your order status will be visible in your personal account. To review and check information regarding an order, please access your account and click on the “my orders” page and then on the order number to view the details.

20. Return policy

The customer has the right to terminate the contract concluded with the seller, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within ten (10) working days from the day of receipt of the products purchased on To terminate the contract, the customer must use the procedure indicated below: Communicate by e-mail that they intend to make a return to, specifying the order number and the items you intend to return; products must be returned intact and unused in their original packaging; Gida Profumi Srl reserves the right not to accept damaged and/or used items; returned products must be delivered by courier within 10 working days after the date of their receipt. The cost of returning the product/s to our warehouse, whether through courier or postal service, is exclusively charged to the customer. The seller will not be held liable for loss of returned products, shipments to incorrect addresses or delays in delivering returned products, it being understood that the customer assumes every risk of such shipment.

21. Customer service

All information on the status of your orders will displayed on your account to which you will have access once you have registered with your e-mail and password. For further information regarding your online purchases on the site, you can contact us at or by phone at +390113113028 from 9 am to 1 pm and from 2 to 6 pm (CET) excluding holidays.

22. Copyright and trademarks

The website and material contained therein (trademarks, logos, HTML code, scripts, texts, drawings, images and products) are an integral part of the online store and protected by copyright. Any unauthorised use of such content, such as copying, inclusion in frames and the association with content not originated on this online store is forbidden and will be prosecuted within the terms of law.

22.1 Disclaimer Gida Profumi S.r.l. cannot be held liable for any errors or losses or damages caused or resulting from the customer’s reliance on the information obtained from this site. This site and the information contained therein may also be subject to change at any time and without prior or subsequent communication.

22.2 Limitation of liability and compensation Gida Profumi S.r.l. cannot be held liable whatsoever for any actual, direct, indirect, ancillary, emerging or any other type of damage, arising from the use or inability to use the information, products or material of the site or regarding the quality of them. As the exclusion of limitations of liability regarding ancillary or emerging damages are not permitted in some countries, such exclusions and limitations may not be applicable in whole or in part to the customer.

23. Privacy policy information

Information pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 (personal data protection code) in compliance with the provisions of the new personal data protection code, it is stated that data processing is based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, therefore protecting the confidentiality and rights of customers. Data conferred to Gida Profumi S.r.l during contractual relations aimed at the submission of tenders or the formation of contractual relations, are subject to computer or manual processing for: connected fulfilments: to civil, fiscal and accounting regulations; to the administrative management of the relation; to the compliance with contractual obligations; to the support and information on services you have acquired; information on future initiatives and announcements of new services by both the company and our external consultants. Data is processed by our employees, our collaborators, and our external consultants, where they are engaged in the execution of the mandate given. We would like to point out that the consent to the processing of data for the purposes indicated in point a) is mandatory and essential for the execution of the mandate given. On the contrary, it is optional for the purposes indicated in point b): in case of refusal of consent to this last hypothesis, we will be unable to provide information on the development of our services. The company ensures that the processing of data carried out with or without the use of electronic or automated means will take place by means of suitable tools to ensure its security and confidentiality. It may include – subject to the limits and conditions set out in Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 – one or more of the following data operations: collection, registration, organisation, storage, processing, modification, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation, destruction. The data processor is Gida Profumi S.r.l, based in Via Saffi, 9, 47923 Rimini, Italy Tax/VAT code IT03305530408, Economic Administrative Index 286947, which will use it for the above purposes. Regarding the data processor, it is always possible to exercise the rights under Art. 7 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003, hereby reproduced in full:

23.1. A data subject shall have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether personal data concerning him/her exists, regardless of it already being recorded, and communication of such data in intelligible form.

23.2. A data subject shall have the right to be informed

23.2.1. of the source of the personal data;

23.2.2. of the purposes and methods of processing;

23.2.3. of the logic applied to the processing, if the latter is carried out with the help of electronic means;

23.2.4. of the identification data concerning the data controller, data processors and the representative designated pursuant to Article 5, paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree 196/2003;

23.2.5. of the entities or categories of entity to whom or which the personal data may be communicated and who or which may get to know said data in their capacity as designated representative(s) in the State’s territory, data processors or people in charge of the processing.

A data subject has the right to obtain:

23.2.6. updating, rectification or, where interested therein, integration of the data;

23.2.7. deletion, anonymisation or blocking of data that have been processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which they have been collected or subsequently processed;

23.2.8. certification that the operations as referred to at letters a) and b) of previous point 2 have been notified, as also related to their contents, to the entities to whom or which the data was communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort compared with the right that is to be protected.

23.3. A data subject has the right to object, in whole or in part:

23.3.1. for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, even though they are relevant to the purpose of the collection;

23.3.2. to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, where it is carried out for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or else for the performance of market or commercial communication surveys.”.

23.3.3. From the receipt of this information, the consent to processing personal data will be considered granted as referred to at point a), unless expressly disagreed, which must be submitted in writing. To conclude a purchase, the customer must declare to have read the privacy policy and consent to the processing of personal data: – for the purposes of forwarding information and advertising material as newsletters and catalogues relevant to the activities carried out within the site – also by e-mail – for the purposes of inclusion in the customer database of Gida Profumi S.r.l to trace a customer profile and to analyse their preferences. Gida Profumi S.r.l reserves the right to modify this information at any time.

24. Cookie policy

What is a cookie and what is it for? A cookie is a small file that a site sends to the browser and saves it on your computer when visiting a webpage such as Cookies are used to operate the site or to improve its performance, but also to provide information to site owners. What type of cookies does use and for what purpose? Our site uses different types of cookies and similar tools, each of which has a specific function, as shown below: COOKIE FUNCTION TYPE

Session cookies These cookies enable the site to operate correctly and allow you to view content in your language and for your market from your first access. They can recognise from which country you are logging in and ensure that whenever you visit the site, you will be automatically directed to the site version for your country. They also allow you to create an account, login and manage your orders. If you are a registered user, through cookies, the site will recognise you as such when you access the services provided to registered users. These cookies will recognise you if you make purchases on the site through an affiliate site or partner, so we can fulfil obligations to partner sites. These cookies are required for the site to operate.

Functional cookies These cookies enable the site to recognise you based on your request (for example, by clicking on “Recognise me next time”) whenever you access the site, so you do not have to enter your access data every time you visit the site. If you have added items to your shopping cart and closed the session without completing the purchase without deleting them, these cookies will allow you to continue shopping next time you access the site (within a limited period), finding your cart just as you left it. These cookies are not essential for the site to operate but improve quality and browsing.

Analytical cookies These cookies are used, for example, by Google Analytics to process statistical analysis of how users browse the site through computers or mobile applications, the number of pages they visit, or the number of clicks made on a page while browsing a site. Gida Profumi Srl processes the results of these analyses anonymously and exclusively for statistical purposes only if the service provider uses cookies in connection with the browser installed on your computer or on other devices used to browse our site.

Third-party cookies for marketing/retargeting These cookies are used by trusted third-party companies that allow you to view advertising banners on other affiliated sites, showing you the latest products you have looked at on While browsing our site, these cookies are also used to show you products that may interest you or are similar to those you have previously looked at based on your browsing history. Use of these cookies normally does not imply the processing of personal data, but may allow you to connect to your computer or other devices and trace the saved data: these cookies connect to the browser installed on your computer or other devices used when browsing our site.

Interaction with social networks and external platforms These services allow interactions with social networks or with other external platforms, directly from the site pages. The interactions and information acquired from this site are in any case subject to the user’s privacy settings relative to each social network. If a social networking service is installed, it is possible that it collects traffic data relative to the pages in which it is installed even if users do not use the service.

Tweet Button and Twitter Social Widgets (Twitter) The Tweet button and Twitter social widgets are interaction services with the Twitter social network, provided by Twitter Inc. Personal data collected: Cookies and usage data. Processing location: USA – privacy policy

Like button and Facebook social widgets (Facebook, Inc.) The “Like” button and Facebook social widgets are interaction services with the Facebook social network, provided by Facebook, Inc. Personal data collected: Cookies and usage data. Processing location: USA – privacy policy

+1 button and Google+ social widgets The +1 button and Google+ social widgets are interaction services with Google+ social networks, provided by Google Inc. Personal data collected: Cookies and usage data. Processing location: USA – privacy policy

YouTube Video Widget (Google) YouTube is a viewing service containing videos provided by Google Inc. Personal data collected: Cookies and usage data. Processing location: USA – privacy policy

Google Maps (Google) Google Maps is a map viewing service provided by Google Inc. Personal data collected: Cookies and usage data. Processing location: USA – privacy policy

Google Fonts (Google) Google Fonts is a font style display service, provided by Google Inc. Personal data collected: Cookies and usage data. Processing location: USA – privacy policy

Typekit (Adobe) Typekit is a font style display service, provided by Adobe Systems Software Ireland Ltd. Personal data collected: Cookies and usage data. Processing location: USA – privacy policy

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